Get faster, more private internet for FREE
Faster internet for FREE with this very helpful trick!
Have you ever wanted to speed up the internet on your Android phone or PC without selling your data? By following these 4 easy steps you can gain access to a faster and more private connection for FREE, this is through a handy internet tool called DNS hosting, it allows your device to limit the amount of data it is sending and receiving, let's go over some of the basic details.
How does this work?
Firstly, all devices that look for data on the internet need a service provider called DNS, basically this acts as a listing of all the internet (much like a directory service with domains like Facebook, Google, Yahoo, and Hotmail). Often times we neglect this service as it is designed to work seamlessly, but by making a change to a private DNS it can help minimize the clutter that gets sent in and out of your phone.
Can this feature be undone?
Certainly, a DNS can be changed at any point in time, thus allowing you to remain more private and save data in the long run at your discretion.
So what do I need to do?
Simply visit this link here: https://WARP.Plus/RyUjT. Give it a try and leave a comment below if you feel it helped or if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.