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  • ZephirexINSIGHT: Excel Dashboard for Coinbase - Monitor Your Portfolio, Gains, and ROI Effortlessly!


    🚀 ZephirexINSIGHT Excel Trading Dashboard for Coinbase

    Traders thrive on data, and for good reason. In the volatile world of cryptocurrency trading, having accurate and sortable market information is invaluable. That's why we created ZephirexINSIGHT, an Excel dashboard designed to meet the needs of traders who rely on data-driven decisions.

    With ZephirexINSIGHT, you can access a wealth of valuable data to make better-informed decisions about consolidation, risk reduction, and identifying market trends. Our dashboard includes carefully selected columns providing current market value data, realized gains, unrealized gains, market ROI, and global ROI.

    Key Features:

    📈 Comprehensive Data Analysis: Analyze Profit/Loss (P/L) for trades including buys, sells, and advanced trades (staking data not included at the moment).

    💡 Informed Decision Making: Sort and analyze crucial data to make smarter trading decisions.

    🔍 Accurate Market Insights: Get Current Market Value, Realized P/L, Unrealized P/L, and ROI for each market.

    🌐 Global Perspective: Track Total P/L and Total ROI for a specified period.

    Peripherals Included:

    Available Markets Sheet: Internal sheet listing all markets available for trading.

    Raw Data File: Easily overwrite with your personal .CSV statement from Coinbase US.

    Please Note:

    ZephirexINSIGHT imports data in USD only. Market data is not provided in Quote currency (e.g., in markets such as ETH/BTC, ZephirexINSIGHT provides market data in USD).

    Price: $70.00 USD

    With ZephirexINSIGHT, you'll have the insights you need to navigate the cryptocurrency markets with confidence. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, our dedicated support team is here to help.

    Ready to elevate your trading experience? Get your copy of ZephirexINSIGHT today!

    posted in ZephirexASCEND
  • RE: YTD Report - April 26 2024

    It makes perfect sense that one of the columns was messing up the results when sorting by any column, here is the latest report for YTD April 2024.

    YTD April 28 2024.PNG

    posted in Performance Reports
  • YTD Report - April 26 2024

    Splendid numbers that are representative of successful trading strategies in our software!

    Greetings all, I'm pleased to announce that our software has been restored to its formal glory, the instance equivalence of: "Yes, I just bought and sold while you were asleep". To bring you up to speed on what this entails, let me explain what this means, we have good news, splendid news, and bad news for ya.

    Good news

    Let's start with the good news, we've made the following accomplishments in our current operations:

    1. The software has been operating nominally for extended periods of time (up to 1 week of continuous trading).
    2. We have overcome the challenges of re-writing our code to fit the needs of the ever-changing world of the infamous centralized crypto exchange, Coinbase.
    3. We have restored the analytics dashboard (from scratch) back to its original composition with full compatibility to Coinbase CSV reporting for accurate and detailed information as shown in the screenshot below.

    Wonderful, so what's the splendid news?

    1. Our analytics dashboard has shown gains throughout the lapse of our current year -- that being 2024, gains along the lines of $3,000 in unrealized gains made from scratch this year by yours truly, me.

    That's enough shilling for now, please give me the bad news already.

    1. Currently we're experiencing yet another major hurdle, Coinbase has decided to redesign their Developer platform yet once more, so not only has the reporting changed to conceal the market value in local Quote currency such as BTC or ETH, they're also doing away with existing API day-by-day operations in exchange for a more modern and state-of-the-art platform, meaning we have to re-write some more unexpected code once again.

    Can we have a look at the 2024 YTD report?

    Sure, here it is:

    YTD 2024 - Trading analysis.PNG

    Please note that some of the columns are hidden, this is done intentionally to make the sheet more easy to read, those hidden columns include information such as "Coin Holdings", "Base Name", "Quote Name", and "Market Name".

    The $3k is obtained from only the Unrealized gains, so as to ensure that we are not over-selling or falsely representing an incomplete picture of our gains and losses (basically we cannot neglect the excess or shortage of coins in our portfolio.

    The headers in this spreadsheet are color coded more so to visually organize the information, same goes for the cells in the "Market Price Position" column, where it is green in the good values (meaning our position is advantageous), and conversely disadvantageous for red.

    What is unrealized gains?

    Basically what this means is that we still have open positions for those markets, meaning that we have not fully netted in solidifying those gains, and this is something that we have to counter manually because the trading software is not yet configured to make those adjustments in our portfolio.

    Tasks that are yet to be done

    We are currently in the process of accommodating a new code structure to fit the newly made Coinbase Advanced Trading platform, this will take about 2-4 full business working days to complete as it was somewhat unexpected, in the meantime the old code seems to be working just fine for all USD pairs, but no Ethereum or Bitcoin trading appears to be making it into the orderbooks.

    posted in Performance Reports
  • Here are 5 advantages to Automated Trading

    Hi all,

    It's interesting to know that there are ways of automating actions such as trading, a simple computer can generate gains with minimal cost, having said this I will share with you a video that has only reinforced the notion that there are ways to make a decent living using... well, only math, some funds, and technology.

    Here are 5 reason why automated trading has gained so much momentum and other software trading firms have taken it upon themselves to unveil the underlying structure that is trading:

    1. Minimized Emotions:

      • Automated trading systems execute trades based on predefined criteria and algorithms, eliminating the influence of emotions such as fear or greed. This can help traders stick to their trading plan and avoid making impulsive decisions.
    2. Backtesting and Optimization:

      • Automated trading allows traders to backtest their strategies using historical data to see how they would have performed in the past. This enables traders to optimize their strategies for better performance and to identify potential flaws before risking real capital.
    3. 24/7 Trading:

      • Automated trading systems can execute trades 24/7, allowing traders to take advantage of trading opportunities in different time zones and markets around the clock. This can help traders capture more trading opportunities and diversify their portfolios.
    4. Faster Execution:

      • Automated trading systems can execute trades much faster than manual trading, often in a matter of milliseconds. This can be crucial in fast-moving markets where prices can change rapidly. Automated trading systems can also help traders take advantage of short-term price movements and arbitrage opportunities.
    5. Discipline and Consistency:

      • Automated trading systems can help traders maintain discipline and consistency in their trading by sticking to predefined rules and criteria. This can help traders avoid making impulsive decisions or deviating from their trading plan, leading to more consistent and profitable results over time.
    posted in Blogs
  • Trading effectively 24/7

    Finally our robot has been adapted to trade with the new platform, next is to analyze the data and see what kind of profit we are looking at 🥴


    posted in Performance Reports
  • Interesting video about a new matrix multiplication algorithm discovered by AI posted in Blogs
  • Unleashing Your Trading Potential: How Automated Algorithms Redefine Success in the Trading Domain

    ZPX: Your Gateway to Trading Success and Insider Insights

    In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency trading, success often hinges on timely and accurate information. Imagine a world where your investment not only grows but also grants you access to coveted insights and analytics. Today, we introduce you to ZPX, a revolutionary cryptocurrency token that opens the door to a new era of trading.


    Empowering Traders with Knowledge

    The cryptocurrency domain is a realm of opportunities and challenges. Traders seek information, the lifeblood of their strategies, to navigate this landscape effectively. The challenge lies in accessing reliable, real-time insights that can make or break a trade.

    Democratizing Trading Insights

    At Zephirex, we're changing the game. Our mission is to democratize trading insights. When you invest in ZPX, you're not just acquiring a token; you're becoming part of a thriving community that shares the secrets of trading success.

    Our SWOT analysis reveals the strength of our vision, a commitment to transparency, and a robust algorithm that powers our trades. Weaknesses become opportunities when we empower traders with knowledge.

    Investment Goals and the ZPX Knowledge Exchange

    Our investment goals are twofold. First, we aim to raise capital to enhance ZephirexCORE and expand our reach. Second, we're pioneering a Knowledge Exchange that rewards investors with exclusive insights into our trading portfolio.

    Invest in ZPX, and you're investing in your trading future. The more ZPX tokens you hold, the deeper your access to our portfolio analytics.

    Strategies for the Knowledge Exchange

    Our marketing strategy emphasizes the unique benefit of the ZPX Knowledge Exchange. We'll leverage online and offline channels to reach traders seeking an edge in the crypto market. Community engagement is at the core, fostering trust and collaboration.

    Our investor relations team will facilitate the Knowledge Exchange, ensuring our investors gain the insights they deserve.

    Timeline and Key Metrics for Knowledge Access

    We've set a timeline for launching the Knowledge Exchange, with milestones to track our progress. Key metrics will include the growth of our Knowledge Exchange participants, increased forum engagement, and the depth of portfolio insights.

    Continuous Improvement in Knowledge Sharing

    Our commitment extends beyond your investment. We pledge to continually enhance our Knowledge Exchange, providing you with a valuable resource to inform your trading decisions.

    ZPX invites you to invest in a cryptocurrency that not only grows your wealth but also enriches your trading knowledge. Join us in this unique journey, where your investment opens the doors to insider insights. Your investment isn't just a contribution; it's an investment in your trading future.

    We are at the cusp of finalizing our version of v4.0, don't miss out on the opportunity to become a valued member and support us in challenging the status quo, when you become a ZPX token holder, you are not only investing in our potential as developers, you are paving the road to our mutually-beneficial journey into the future of automated trading algos. Let us re-define trading and join forces to become the epitome of trading opportunists as one.

    Click the link to support our cause and we will greatly appreciate your approval, our cause is to share trading insights with as many traders as possible, so don't miss out on the chance to become one of the first few.

    Juan C Benavides.

    Founder and CEO
    Zephirex Technologies, LLC

    posted in Strategy
  • Exciting Updates for ZephirexCORE 4.0

    Hello, esteemed members of our trading community,

    We are thrilled to share some exciting developments in our journey with ZephirexCORE 4.0, our cutting-edge automated trading software. These updates reflect our commitment to innovation and excellence in the world of algorithmic trading.

    The Reporting System

    First and foremost, we've successfully integrated a robust reporting system into ZephirexCORE. This powerful addition allows us to monitor the software's performance and market activities from anywhere, at any time. It's a game-changer that empowers us to maintain a watchful eye on our trading operations and ensure they run seamlessly.

    Target Trading Volume Equalizer (TTVE)

    Our dedicated team has been hard at work implementing the Target Trading Volume Equalizer (TTVE) within ZephirexCORE. This feature promises to bring greater stability and precision to our trading strategies. However, we've encountered a few minor glitches along the way, mainly due to centralizing the volume for our reports, an ambitious attempt at uniting volume and profit measures into one has led us to some spooky-action at a distance type of anomaly.

    One challenge we faced was the need for a new global variable to store current market prices at all times. While this centralization introduced some initial bugs, our development team is actively addressing these issues. Once resolved, we will activate the TTVE, taking our trading strategies to the next level.

    Equalized Volume and Ongoing Challenges

    In the course of our recent developments, we've achieved a notable milestone—the equalization of trading volume. However, this equilibrium has come with its set of challenges. We're currently experiencing a temporary low volume in trading activities -- this has slowed down our development and debugging operations. To address this, we may need to temporarily revert to acquiring larger and more unrealistic volume amounts in our paper-trading strategy, this will alleviate our research and development team's down-time as testing must wait for markets to move.

    This strategic adjustment serves two crucial objectives:

    1. Demonstrating positive momentum in our Profit and Loss (P/L) report at a global scale.
    2. Achieving a positive Return on Investment (ROI) for our trading activities.

    Unlocking Potential in the Markets

    With the added benefit of paper trading, once we have succeeded in acquiring data on a per-market basis, we will have succeeded in reading the markets as well due to the logic behind our software. Not only will this give us the upper hand in trading in real-time, but it also allows for us to make adjustments as needed to our portfolio and re-direct funds to our advantage.

    Support Our Cause by Buying ZPX on Uniswap

    If you believe in our mission and the potential of our software, you can show your support by purchasing ZPX (Zephirex) tokens from Uniswap. Uniswap is a decentralized exchange operating on the Ethereum network, providing a secure and transparent way to acquire ZPX tokens.

    Your investment in ZPX not only supports our software development but also aligns you with our vision for the future of automated trading. Join us in this exciting journey by participating in our cause through Uniswap.

    Thank You for Your Continued Support

    We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and active participation in our trading community. It's heartening to see a significant increase in members joining our discussions, which reflects the growing interest in ZephirexCORE and automated trading.

    Your contributions and insights are invaluable as we work together to shape the future of algorithmic trading. Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we continue our journey towards excellence with ZephirexCORE 4.0.

    Warm regards,

    Juan C Benavides
    Founder and CEO
    Zephirex Technologies, LLC

    posted in Strategy
  • The bug hunt is over - Our vision is set on new horizons

    Good morning, World!

    In our pursuit of intentionally hindering our software's performance, we've made a breakthrough discovery. To keep it brief, our recent poor ROI results were traced back to a single, crucial error in our code—an overlooked parenthesis in our main calculations for both buying and selling.


    Yes, it may sound surprising, but as we intentionally pushed our software to its limits by testing it with more realistic funds and significantly increasing the risk-reward ratio, we encountered the same suboptimal results, all stemming from this minor coding oversight.

    Thankfully we have corrected this issue as we are still in the paper-trading stage, and now we're diligently working to implement our next strategy, which brings us to the second part of today's discussion.

    Introducing the Target Trading Volume Equalizer (TTVE)

    Our recent journey into the realm of Asymmetrical Positive ROI has shown us a glimpse of what's possible. We've witnessed ZephirexCORE gaining some upward momentum in the short term. This promising development has inspired us to set our sights higher.


    For those of you who appreciate space exploration and NASA's achievements, you'll understand the analogy. In our quest for propulsion, we've introduced the Target Trading Volume Equalizer (TTVE). This innovative tool allows us to set a desired trading volume within a specified time frame. Given the real-time nature of our software, we can harness the acceleration (and deceleration) in trading volume to achieve specific targets.

    In the past, such a system was merely a dream. However, our recent results have shown us the importance of being able to reach a certain volume. This not only reduces fees but also activates a buffer during times of high market demand and vice versa. Our beloved TTVE will adjust in real-time to attain the specified target volume, enhancing the accuracy and precision of our software.

    A Grateful Note

    We'd like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have been closely following our journey and showing an active interest in our software's progress. Your support, inquiries, and feedback fuel our determination to innovate and overcome challenges. It's your engagement that propels us forward, even in the face of setbacks. Thank you for being a part of our community and for sharing in our commitment to growth and success.

    With gratitude,

    Juan Benavides
    Founder and CEO
    Zephirex Technologies, LLC

    posted in Strategy
  • Achieving Triumph Through Strategy: Leveraging Setbacks to Move Forward

    Dear members and trading enthusiasts alike,

    We're here today to share an unconventional strategy that exemplifies our dedication to innovation and resilience. Over the past few weeks, our paper-trading phase has yielded results that may seem counter-intuitive at first glance. Instead of viewing these outcomes as setbacks, we're seizing this opportunity to turn the tables and capitalize on adversity.

    It's true that our recent paper-trading efforts have not yielded a positive ROI across any market. While this might appear discouraging, we're embracing this reality as a strategic advantage. Our plan is to intentionally generate losses through paper-trading by configuring our software in a manner that seeks out the worst-case scenarios.

    By intentionally seeking terrible results, we're setting the stage for our trading software to do what it does best - adapt and evolve. Our goal is to generate imaginary losses so profound that we can then channel the software's adaptability to negate these detrimental conditions. In doing so, we aim not just to recover but to break even, despite deliberately unfavorable settings.

    This strategy may appear audacious, but it aligns with our history of leveraging adversity for growth. Just as we've re-designed and fine-tuned our software in the past, we're embarking on a new journey of adaptation and resilience. Our team's expertise and the capabilities of our software empower us to transform setbacks into stepping stones.

    The road to success is often nonlinear, filled with twists and turns. Our current focus on intentionally generating poor results isn't a sign of defeat; it's a reflection of our determination to break new ground. This endeavor challenges us to re-imagine our software's potential and redefine our understanding of success.

    While the concept of intentionally seeking losses may seem paradoxical, it's a testament to our commitment to innovation and progress. As we gather data and insights from this unique experiment, we're excited to realign our strategies, redefine our configurations, and ultimately enhance our software's performance.

    We invite you to engage with us as we embark on this innovative journey. Share your thoughts, questions, and ideas. As a community, we thrive on collective wisdom and shared experiences. Together, we can navigate uncharted territories and unlock new dimensions of trading success.

    As Founder and CEO of Zephirex Technologies, LLC, I'm proud to lead a team that embraces challenges with open arms. Our unique strategy of intentionally seeking poor results underscores our commitment to resilience and growth. We look forward to the days ahead when we can transform setbacks into success stories within the real markets.


    Juan C Benavides
    Founder and CEO
    Zephirex Technologies, LLC

    posted in Strategy